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Promundo will launch research on trajectories of non-violent masculinities in Rio de Janeiro

With funding from the International Development Research Center – IDRC (Research Center for International Development), from Canada, Promundo will launch in May 2016 an adaptation of the International Survey on Men and Gender Equality – IMAGES – in the context of urban violence in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

“Non-violent trajectories of masculinities: an adaptation of the IMAGES survey focused on gender, masculinities and urban violence in Rio de Janeiro” is part of IDRC's Safe and Inclusive Cities Program, which includes a total of 15 surveys that address the relationships between violence, poverty and inequality.

In general, the adaptation of IMAGES aims, through qualitative and quantitative research, to inform transformative gender intervention programs and policies that promote non-violent masculinities, seeking to understand the relationships between intra-family violence, violence against intimate partners and urban violence.

To construct the research instrument, interviews were carried out with key informants, including academics and leaders in the areas of violence, public security and gender. In order to share the initial research questions and listen to observations from various sectors, the seminar “Safe and Inclusive Cities: Urban Violence in Rio de Janeiro” was held in partnership with the Violence Analysis Laboratory of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (LAV-UERJ), in November 2013.

“The qualitative part of the research is based on 46 life stories, including reports from men who left drug trafficking; men who committed violence against women; police officers and peace activists – and their partners and families.”, informed Alice Taylor, responsible for the research. A survey of policies in the area of public security was also carried out, which reinforces the limited presence of violence prevention initiatives, which little consider the dimensions of age group, gender, and race; compared to initiatives that promote armed confrontation. The quantitative part, coordinated by Elis Borges, consists of a questionnaire applied to 1500 participants, to understand how exposure to urban violence, measured by homicides, influences gender and masculinity norms and vice versa. The questionnaire includes new items on street fights, attitudes about the use of weapons, among others.

In December 2015, the second “Safe and Inclusive Cities” seminar was held, which sought to discuss and gather final comments from experts, activists and community leaders on the preliminary results of the research. The survey will be available on the Promundo website from May 19th.

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