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Promundo meets with the Nobel Peace Prize Winning Women's Initiative and São Paulo NGOs

On September 18, Promundo participated in a meeting with 1997 Nobel Peace Prize winner Jody Willians and the executive director of the Nobel Women's Initiative – NWI, Liz Berstein, in Sao Paulo. During the meeting, which aimed to present an overview of gender and security in Brazil to NWI representatives, the research on sexual exploitation carried out by Promundo was presented.

In recent years, the Nobel Women's Initiative has been running the International Campaign to End Gender-Based Violence in Conflict Contexts. Although the focus of the campaign is countries at war, NWI has recognized the importance of combating violence in contexts of urban violence, aiming to guarantee the rights and safety of women in these contexts.

Promundo and NWI representatives also participated in a meeting with NGOs from São Paulo that defend women's rights and work to prevent gender-based violence: Coletivo Feminista, ECOS, Agencia Patrícia Galvão, Geledés Instituto da Mulher Negra and Sou da Peace. The institutions shared experiences of working in Brazil and talked about the campaign.

For more information about NWI and the campaign, visit:

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