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Project trains football coaches to promote gender equality

The F (Football) project is a pilot program that aims to use football as a tool to promote gender equality and sexual and reproductive rights – with a focus on HIV/AIDS prevention – among young people. The pilot program will train 20 community football coaches in a curriculum of activities based on the language of football to transmit messages and stimulate conversations and reflections that promote gender equality among young people between 10 and 16 years old.

The project will be carried out in Complexo do Alemão in partnership with the community organization EDUCAP and aims to reach around 2000 children and young people directly and indirectly. The first action of the project was a summer camp that involved around 20 children from Complexo do Alemão who, on the 14th and 15th of July, participated in recreational activities, sports and conversation circles about HIV/Aids.

The workshops with trainers took place on the 10th, 17th and 18th of August. The idea is that each coach can apply the methodology developed by partner organization Grassroot Soccer (from South Africa) with support from Promundo with 100 children (totaling 2 thousand children). They will receive financial assistance and technical support from Promundo for the development of activities. An assessment of the impact of the project will also be carried out with participating children and adolescents.

Promundo and sport

Promundo has used sport as a strategic line to reach young people and adults in actions to promote gender equality, health and violence prevention with very positive results. Thus contributing to the transformation of social norms that produce and sustain gender inequality in socialization spaces for children, young people and adults.

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