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Program P will be launched at a Fatherhood and Care Seminar

Writer's picture: PormundoPormundo

Program P, a manual aimed at promoting men's involvement in paternity, care and promotion of maternal and child health, will be launched on August 13th during the VI Symposium Paternities, Singularities and Public Policies: Paternity and Care.

The manual identifies best practices in engaging men in maternal and child health, self-care, caring for sons and daughters and preventing violence against women and children through the perspective of gender equality. It is aimed at professionals in the health sector, education and community leaders and aims to create safe spaces for dialogue with parents, through workshops and learning courses that allow them to reflect on their concerns, doubts, needs and interests about fatherhood.

Program P will be made available in full on the Promundo website – – from August 14th.

Fatherhood and Care Seminar

The VI Symposium Paternities, Singularities and Public Policies: Paternity and Care takes place on the 13th and 14th of August at the Veiga de Almeida University (UVA), in Tijuca and will bring together health professionals and managers, educators and other partners to discuss ways to implement and improve public policies in favor of valuing fatherhood, for example, through Father's Partner Health Units.

The Seminar program features panels and workshops on Masculinities, Paternity and Care Practices, Paternity and Diversities; Youth, Sexual and Reproductive Health among others. The event is promoted by the Rio de Janeiro Municipal Health Department / Vida Committee with support from Promundo and the Men's Health Coordination of the Ministry of Health

Register for the VI Symposium on Paternities, Singularities and Public Policies: Paternity and Care:


13/08/2014 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Panel: Masculinities, fatherhood and care practices

Fatherhood and men's health - Eduardo Chakora (Ministry of Health) Fatherhood and body - Maria Luiza Carvalho (UFRJ) Father's partnership health unit - Viviane Manso Castello Branco (SMS-RJ) Masculinities and fatherhood - Cláudia Ribeiro (UFF) Program P – Marco Aurélio Martins (Promundo) Coordination:

Aline Martins (IFF) 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm

• Brunch and integration and recreation activities

1:30 pm to 5:30 pmGood practices for valuing fatherhood

• Panel 1: Coordination – Sergio Luiz Aquino (SMS)In labor and birth care: Márcio Luis Ferreira (Maternidade Carmela Dutra) and Leila Azevedo (David Capistrano Birth Center)In primary care: Rachel Sarmento Reis (CF Emygdio Costa Filho) and Sancler Corrêa (CF Santa Marta)

• Panel 2: Coordination – Dilma Cupti de Medeiros (SMS)In the media: Cleide Ramos (Multirio)At school: Luiz Costa (SME)On social media: Thiago Queiroz (Blog “Paizinho, comma”)

6pm – Cocktail

Launch of the Manual for the Exercise of Paternity and Care (Program for Instituto Promundo)

08/14/20144pm to 5pmWorkshops

• Father's partner basic unitCoordination: Viviane C Branco (SMS) and Sancler Correa (SMS)• Father's partner maternity unitCoordination: Diana Valladares (SMS) and Márcio Luis Ferreira (SMS)• Paternity and diversityCoordination: Marcos Nascimento (IMS/UERJ) and Mônica Guimarães Arruda (SMS)• Youth, sexual/reproductive health and fatherhoodCoordination: RAP da Saúde (SMS and Cedaps) and Projeto Sem Vergonha (Promundo)• Masculinities, fatherhood and trainingCoordination: Maria Luiza Carvalho (UFRJ) and Cláudia Ribeiro (UFF)

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