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Launch of the 2021 Annual Report

Today, on June 13, 2022, Promundo celebrates 25 years of many achievements. Many projects, many actions and many social technologies were carried out throughout this period. In parallel with the disclosure of last year's actions systematized in report format, Promundo and its team share that this quarter of a century of the institution means profound – positive – changes in the organization. In 2022, an internal organization has already been carried out for a new Strategic Planning that takes into account what Promundo proposes from now on. Between the 15th and 17th of March, the team met to think, with great care and affection, about the next four institutional years.

In 2020, Promundo began very extensive work with traditional populations in Amapá and, in 2022, it is continuing the project that addresses Fatherhood, Care and Early Childhood with the Ribeirinhos of Ilha de Santana and the Wajãpi indigenous people of Pedra Branca do Amapari , municipalities located in Amapá. This project takes place in partnership with UEAP – State University of Amapá. In 2023, new projects that address the issue with many other traditional communities are on the horizon, always prioritizing care and respect in institutional relationships, always so important to the organization's operations. Some methodologies have undergone review, so that they adapt to new demands from the perspective of the themes in which Promundo operates, these being:

Early Childhood, Masculinities, Fatherhood, Female Empowerment, Sexual Diversity and Gender Equality.

In these twenty-five years, there have been significant changes in the way these themes of masculinity, paternity and gender are dealt with and Promundo stands out as a pioneer in the field, always seeking to keep up to date, through research and data and solid actions. and open to dialogue in the field.

With regard to international action, Promundo has expanded its relations with Latin American countries, as well as African countries, through networks focused on Early Childhood development, such as ECDAN – Early Childhood Development Action Networks. In partnership with the latter, Promundo structured a global paternity working group, structured in 2021 and active in 2022.

To learn more about the actions carried out, access the publication of the 2021 Annual Report and follow social media to find out about other actions that will be carried out this year in celebration of Promundo's 25th anniversary. May the coming years be filled with even greater and better achievements with Promundo’s partners

Let's go together, together and together?


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