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International Webinar Everyone for Early Childhood

There were two very rich days of discussion about Early Childhood. Check out the links to both days in this article, as well as access to the presentations used by the speakers.

On the last 27th and 28th of April, Promundo, together with the Secretariat for Child and Youth Development of Pernambuco, through the Executive Secretariat for Social Assistance, the Center for Development and Citizenship-CDC, Secretariat for Social Development, Human Rights, Youth and Drug Policies of Recife, actively participated in the International Webinar Todos Pela Primeira Infância.

The webinar featured two days of presentations, with experts in the field, in addition to taking into account public policies aimed at Early Childhood and joint actions between organizations and civil society entities and with the participation of government sectors. With items such as the Happy Child Program, actions within the Unified Health System (SUS) and intersectoral experiences as their agenda, the discussions were very rich and saw great public participation via YouTube chat.

You can access the video of the two-day Webinar by clicking on the images with the schedule.

Click on the image to follow the discussions from the 1st day of the Webinar on YouTube

Click on the image to follow the discussions from the 2nd day of the Webinar on YouTube

The language was accessible and not only aimed at people who work with Early Childhood issues and the event also included simultaneous translation into Brazilian Sign Language, providing greater coverage for audiences with hearing impairments.

Below are the presentations of the speakers.

DAY 27

Presentation and Keynote Lecture – Ivânia Ghesti - Download

Magna Lecture – Dr. Trícia Camargo - Download

P Online Program Intervention – Luciano Ramos - Download

Dr. Mary Young Presentation - Download

Impact Assessment of Program P (Online) in Recife/PE – Rodrigo Laro - Download

Early Childhood Program at SUAS - Download

DAY 28

Presentation of the Municipality of Iguaracy - Download

Presentation of the Municipality of Petrolina - Download

The importance of integrating public policies for the protection and promotion of development in Early Childhood – Pompéia Villachan-Lyra - Download

Presentation of the Municipality of Triunfo - Download

Presentation of the Looking at the Differences Program - Download

Presentation of the Mãe Coruja Program – Recife - Download

The experience of articulation between the Mãe Coruja Pernambucana and Criança Feliz programs to promote child development - Download

Geração Afeto Project – Recife City Hall - Download

Presentation of the Happy Child Program in Ceará – Silvana de Matos Brito Simões - Download

Presentation of the Early Childhood Program at SUAS in Pernambuco – Bernadeth Gondim - Download

Intersectoral Committee on Public Policies for Early Childhood – Macdouglas de Oliveira - Download

Presentation Happy Child Program – Maria Cícera Pinheiro - Download

Crisis and Opportunity – Leonardo Yánez - Download

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