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Don't Hit, Educate! is one of the 10 good practices and innovative projects in children and adolescents' rights.

This week Rede Não Bata Eduque! was selected to be one of the 50 good practices/projects to participate in the Observatory of Good Practices and Innovative Projects in the Rights of Children and Adolescents that will be held in Brasília on the 6th, 7th and 8th of December. The Network was selected in 9th place, which makes Promundo even more proud to be part of this initiative.

The national campaign Don't Knock Educate! is formed by an alliance of organizations including Promundo. The Campaign is a strategy for social transformation and change of attitude through the promotion of a broad debate on the use of physical and humiliating punishments against children and adolescents, aiming to contribute to the eradication of their practice in order to recognize children and adolescents as subjects of rights.

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