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Cordel's literature is used to raise awareness about violence against women in Ceará

Writer: PormundoPormundo

The Project “Mulher de Lei – pelo Enfrentamento à Violência Doméstica”, created by musicians Tião Simpatia and Naná Jucá, aims to present the Maria da Penha Law in the form of a cordel in the public education network, as a playful and pedagogical instrument, with the objective of publicizing Law No. 11,340/2006 – Maria da Penha Law, which curbs domestic and family violence against women. The project was launched on August 21, 2009, with the 1st edition of the Show Mulher de Lei, at Centro Dragão do Mar in Fortaleza, which a year later would give rise to the DVD Mulher de Lei, composed of 13 tracks, all focused on valorization of women, with emphasis on the Maria da Penha Law.

The project is developed in partnership with the Maria da Penha Institute – IMP and the Special Coordination of Policies for Women of the State of Ceará – CEPAM, and its scope of action is Combating Domestic and Family Violence against Women, through music and of cordel literature. The project has been developed in cities in Ceará.

Musician Tião Simpatia composed a cordel about Laço Branco, which we share below.

To find out more about the Mulher de Lei project, here .

White Lace Cordel

Author: Tião Simpatia

I Putting on the White Ribbon It's more than an attitude It's an act of conscience Of the man who has virtue And peace is always looking for Because you don't change culture Without your head changing.

II Historically Brazil

It is a patriarchal country No different from others In the global context Just to give an example In this cordel I will tell you What happened in Montreal.

IIIThe fact that I'm going to narrateStill today moves people all over the world,It's something that involves usFrom what I've read and rememberIt happened on December 6th, in the year eighty-nine.

IVAt the Polytechnic SchoolIn the aforementioned cityCapital of CanadaHe revealed himself to be a murdererIn a cold and cowardly actHe entered without making a fussAnd then shot.

V His target was the women of the engineering course. His classmates, against whom he would shoot. The massacre completed, 14 lost their lives on that bloody day.

VIAfter the cowardly actHe committed suicideThe reason for the barbarismIn a letter he left Because he wouldn't admitWomen to study engineeringAnd that's why he killed them.

VIIA traditional courseDominated by menIt made Marc LepineFeel uncomfortableWith the female presenceIn his murderous mindHe already had a plan drawn up.

VIIIHe ordered the men to leaveForty-eight in totalAnd he began to take awayWith his brutal furyWithout giving any defenseHe executed one by oneAnd himself in the end.

IXThe crime mobilized the entire society, generating several debatesAbout such inequalityBetween men and womenThe characters of the word “Equity” emerged.

Xa Gender Equity that today is so discussed, it has been gone in the debates to be best known to Canada and in the world after the blow to this murderer.

XIIn repudiation of the extreme actThe men organized themselvesAnd as a symbol of struggleThe White Ribbon createdTo remember the date,Not for the psychopath,But, the victims who fell.

XIIThey launched the first White Ribbon Campaign in English, to be more frank. To stop the violence that descends with truculence like a stone in a ravine.

XIIIOn the Asian ContinentThey soon joined:India and VietnamFollowed by JapanThe land of the rising sunIn the face of the incidentTo barbarity, I said no.

XIV European ContinentAlso joins the campaign:Norway, DenmarkSweden, Belgium and SpainEngland, PortugalAlso set an equal exampleFinland and Germany.

XVOn the African ContinentThe struggle gained groundMorocco, Kenya, NamibiaEach one left their traceDialogue is the best medicineAnd even in the Middle East, Israel used the Lasso!

XVI Australia joined. And in the United States, thousands of white ribbons were then distributed in squares and homes, exchanging experiences with the countries involved.

XVII In Brazil, the White Ribbon officially arrived only in 2001. It was also no different from the countries already mentioned. There were many results achieved to date.

XIII Just an important fact, Now to close: In Brazil, our women were also unable to attend Higher Education Under the Law and its rigor They were protected at home.

XIXIn eighteen, twenty-seven (1827).The first Law Schools in BrazilDid not provide opportunities for women to study LawPrejudice was greatGenerating inequalities

XXOnly in Seventy-Nine of that current CenturyBrazilian womenCan finally attend Higher EducationBehold, the word Doctor gains an extra one at the front!

XXI May they never be repeated The barbarities of the past As happened in Montreal, New York, which begs forgiveness for its daughters charred on the trails of the progress it explores.

XXIIWe wear the White Ribbon, Men of good will! This gesture is symbolic But it shows society That a culture of peace We ourselves are the ones who do it With respect, equality.




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