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Children's book to promote education with equality between boys and girls is launched in Morro dos Prazeres

Publication was created by groups of girls living in Morro dos Prazeres

“Kicking Pedrinhas” deals with the relationship between a father and his daughter and how some gender standards limit this girl's desires and dreams by reserving specific roles for men and women in society. Father and daughter, through dialogue and affection, deconstruct old concepts and build the pillars for an education based on equality and respect for individuality. The story is the product of the collective creation of 17 girls living in Morro dos Prazeres, and was released on August 29th, in Morro dos Prazeres, in Rio de Janeiro.

The project “Fathers and daughters: building other stories”, developed by Promundo with support from Save the Children, brought together a group of girls with the aim of giving them a voice and making them reflect on how they would like to be educated in an equitable way in relation to their boys and without the use of violence. Using dynamics and activities that encouraged play, reflection and participation, the girls built the scenes, characters, and central issues addressed in the story.

The book is the second in a series that seeks to give children a voice about their relationship with their parents. The first, “Vento no face” , which aims to present parents with alternative ways of education free from physical punishment, was created in 2012 by a group of children from Maré and was awarded in 2013 at the 3rd Annual Avon Communications Awards: Speaking Out About Violence Against Women (3rd Annual Avon Communications Awards: Talking About Violence Against Women), which recognized organizations whose innovative communications strategies help transform communities, institutions, policies and behaviors to prevent and end violence against women and children.

Fathers and Daughters: a closer relationship for gender equality

“Chutando Pedrinhas” was inspired by the results of a survey carried out by Promundo in 2009-2010, with fathers, mothers and girls from two communities in Rio de Janeiro, on how the relationship between fathers (men) and their daughters influences the attitudes of girls' gender. The research demonstrated the importance of developing strategies to promote closer and more equitable relationships between fathers and their daughters, which is the objective of this book.

For many parents and guardians interviewed in the research, the gender difference was considered a complicating factor in this relationship, as they imagined that they could not deal with issues that are specific to girls, especially related to body changes during adolescence and sexuality. Parents also believe that girls are more fragile and want to protect them from relationships with boys, seen as more “smart” and violent. On the other hand, the girls who participated in the focus groups were interested in running around the community, flying kites and playing ball with the boys. They didn't understand why they couldn't do the same things as their brothers.

However, parents and guardians also expressed their desire to build a closer and more equal relationship between their daughters and sons, in addition to educating girls and boys without the use of corporal or humiliating punishment.

“For parents, also socialized according to gender norms, it is not simple to do different things in their children’s education. Despite wanting their daughters' happiness and freedom, many parents with whom Promundo works in its workshops and research report that they do not know how to educate girls in a more equal way in relation to boys, welcoming and encouraging each one's dreams. . It is easier to reproduce the model of men and women that we know”, said Vanessa Fonseca, Program Coordinator at Promundo.

Promundo and the prevention of violence against children

Since 2005, Instituto Promundo, co-founder of Rede Não Bata, Eduque, has been seeking strategies to reflect with guardians on children's rights, including their right to express opinions on issues that directly affect their lives. This work gave rise to a series of consultations with children and their caregivers, as well as tools to encourage greater child participation and encourage parents and guardians to adopt non-violent disciplinary measures in their children's education. These publications can

be found on the Promundo website .

About violence against children in Brazil

According to data released by the Human Rights Secretariat (SDH) of the Presidency of the Republic, violence against children and young people reached 120 thousand cases in 2012. The numbers showed that 77% of complaints registered through Dial 100 between January and November of that year were relating to violence against children and adolescents, which corresponds to 120,344 reported cases. This means that, per month, there were 10,940 attacks against children and adolescents.

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