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Chamber approves bill that prohibits parents from applying physical and humiliating punishments to their children

The Chamber of Deputies approved yesterday (14/12) a bill that prohibits the application of physical and humiliating punishments to children. Known as the Spanking Law, the proposal was approved unanimously, in a special committee, which will not need to be analyzed in plenary and will go directly to the Senate.

The project amends the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA) and provides for a fine of 3 (R$ 1,635.00) to 20 salaries (R$ 10,900.00) for doctors, teachers and public agents who do not report physical punishment, treatment and cruel treatment.

The text of the project says: “children and adolescents have the right to be educated and cared for without the use of physical punishment or cruel or degrading treatment, such as forms of correction, discipline, education or any other pretext, by parents, members of the extended family, by those responsible, by public agents carrying out socio-educational measures or by any person in charge of caring, treating, educating or protecting”.

For Promundo, one of the founders of Rede Não Bata Eduque! – which aims to raise awareness among society, especially parents and guardians, about the negative consequences of using physical and humiliating punishment as a disciplinary measure against children and adolescents – the decision is a victory and an important step towards guaranteeing the rights of children and teenagers.

Vanessa Fonseca, Program Coordinator at the Institution, reinforces the importance of non-violent education. “Spanking and physical punishment do not make children reflect on their behavior. Violence only provokes anger and fear. Parents must leave channels open for communication with their children, this makes the child reflect on how they should act, in addition to promoting more trust and respect in the relationship between child and adult”.

For more information about educating without knocking, visit the Rede Não Bata Eduque! –

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