We told you a little about how this event was held and invited some people involved in the organization and who participated in the Seminar to share with us, briefly, their perceptions regarding the VII State Seminar on Men's Health – Paternities: Effect and Effect.

Publicity Poster
On August 25, 2022, the VII State Seminar on Men's Health – Paternities: Effect and Effect took place in Porto Alegre. It was a partnership between the Promundo Institute and the State Department of Health of Rio Grande do Sul, through the Men's Health Policy and the Better First Childhood Program. After a successful experience of applying Program P in the municipality of Caxias do Sul, Promundo, together with the aforementioned bodies, seeks to replicate this methodology in other municipalities in the State.
In Caxias do Sul, the experience involved raising awareness among managers and social visitors from Primeira Infância Melhor and with the participation of around eighty fathers, divided into four WhatsApp groups. There were several themes covered, including the challenges of fatherhood, education without violence, education about emotions, playing in the context of fatherhood, in addition to care in early childhood, with an approach focused on the father's affective and active participation in Early Childhood .
The Seminar was delicate, it was fantastically powerful, where we were able to mobilize 44 municipalities in person, in addition to those who attended virtually, on the topic of fatherhood and the need to place this man at the center of care, together with the pregnant woman/ mother and children. RS, with the Primeira Infância Melhor Program, has great results in providing care to families, and effectively including this man in the care process qualifies and enhances the strength of families.
Angelita Herrmann, President of PROMUNDO
Promundo's evaluation noted that, as in other experiences, there was an increase in gender equity in relation to the interpersonal relationships of male participants, in addition to a greater stimulus for personal health care. Furthermore, other Promundo experiences with Program P show that there is a considerable reduction in gender-based violence in homes where parents participate in the full cycle. Regarding the replication of the methodology in other municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul, the aim is mainly to train new professional agents who act as multipliers of Program P, as a way of prolonging the benefits of Program P, thinking about public policies social programs that encourage active paternal participation in Early Childhood.
The Seminar held in partnership between SES/RS and the Promundo Institute mobilized the State and municipalities around the proposed theme. The articulation between the state men's health policy and Primeira Infância Melhor is one of the most relevant results, as it contributes to the realization of rights and health promotion tools, such as partner prenatal care. Promoting the conscious involvement of parents in the lives of young children can and should be a priority of policies to promote early childhood development, such as the PIM and the PCF – and that is what we pursue in the state.
Carolina Drügg, deputy state coordinator of PIM
Thus, the event that occurred was the first action carried out within the scope of this replication. SES-RS also opened the space to celebrate 25 years of existence of the Promundo Institute. We had more than 400 people register, including in-person and virtual listeners. The auditorium where it was held had space for 200 people, being completely full. Representatives from 44 municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul were present, as well as listeners interested in the topics.
The VII State Seminar on Men's Health - Paternities: Feat and Effect held on August 25, 2022, Porto Alegre/RS in the CAFF Auditorium, promoted by the Department of Health/RS through the Men's Health Policy and Politics of First Childhood Better in partnership with PROMUNDO. The event was a complete success both due to the more than five hundred (500) people (in person and online) who participated and watched, and due to the presence of different authorities who committed themselves within the scope of their management to continue the discussion and propose actions on the Active and participatory fatherhood aiming for a healthy early childhood.
Carlos Antônio da Silva from the State Men's Health Coordination
The program included experts and local authorities, as reported below:
9am – Opening table with authorities
10am – Technical table – Fatherhood and the Promotion of Development in Early Childhood
Mediator: Gisleine Silva, coordinator of the Life Cycles Division.
The Men's Health Course and Path in RS, with Carlos Antônio da Silva from the State Men's Health Coordination.
The promotion of parenting as an axis of action of Primeira Infância Melhor (PIM), with Carolina Drügg, deputy state coordinator of the First Childhood Division – PIM.
Paternity and parenting from the perspective of the Happy Child Program, with Marcelli Kihs, state coordinator of the Happy Child Program.
Masculinities, Paternities and Gender Equality: the 25-year history of the Promundo Institute, with Miguel Fontes, president of the Promundo Institute.
12pm – Break
13:30 – Experience table - Actions to strengthen fatherhood and care in Rio Grande do Sul: the partner’s prenatal experience and the P program
Partner's Prenatal Program and the importance of paternal involvement in prenatal and postpartum care: we are not born Father, TORN A – SE, with Carlos Antônio da Silva from the State Men's Health coordination.
The experience of the municipality of Bento Gonçalves in implementing Partner Prenatal Care, with Evelise Bender, Nurse and responsible for the Men's, Women's and Elderly Health programs at the Bento Gonçalves Health Department.
Program P: paternity and care in early childhood programs in Brazil: experiences and results. Luciano Ramos, Deputy Director of Instituto Promundo.
The experience of Program P at PIM in the municipality of Caxias do Sul, with the municipal PIM team.- PIM Caxias do Sul
Dialogue with participants – space for questions and suggestions
4pm – Final submissions

Comments during the online broadcast
Having been broadcast simultaneously live on Promundo's YouTube channel, as well as on the Rede Nacional Primeira Infância channels, we have important views through the links below, which will be available on our YouTube channel for those interested.
Morning Part Broadcast
Afternoon Broadcast
It was great to see professionals so interested in the topic of “Fatherhood”. The speeches at the end show how professionals were sensitized by the topic and are committed to involving parents in the care of children in early childhood. I believe we have a lot of work ahead of us in the State of Rio Grande do Sul! Promundo is turning 25 years old and the path ahead shows that the institutional mission is more current than ever! The seminar in Rio Grande do Sul showed us this!
Luciano Ramos, Deputy Director of Promundo
The Promundo Institute is grateful for the space provided by the State Department of Health of Rio Grande do Sul, as well as the partnership with Men's Health, through the person of Mr. Carlos Antônio da Silva, with Primeira Infância Melhor, through the figure of PIM state coordinator, Carolina Drugg, as well as all the interlocutors who made this event possible. The Promundo team is very engaged in its mission within the state of Rio Grande do Sul, along with other municipalities.
consolidation of an intersectoral approach and collaboration between the government and civil society sectors in relation to the issue of fatherhood, early childhood care and the redefinition of masculinities in Rio Grande do Sul. Although the initial focus was on the development of strategies for the strengthening the actions of the PIM (Better Childhood Program), the effective participation of the state Men's Health Coordination and several other areas of the State Health Department were fundamental to achieving this objective. Furthermore, the space offered to PROMUNDO to celebrate its 25 years of existence provided the opportunity to revisit the actions that began the organization's work and share with various partners its Mission, Values and methodologies for redefining fatherhood and masculinity. The receptivity of the government of the state of Rio Grande do Sul and the municipality of Caxias do Sul to a true “civil society government” partnership is an example of how all collaborative efforts must be carried out by the State to guarantee quality of life and good -being of families and the Brazilian population.
Miguel Fontes, Executive Director of Promundo
Let's go together, together and together?