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Education and Sport for Equality Guide


This guide is the result of work developed by Instituto Promundo, since 2013, in which

We apply a methodology that uses sport as a strategic tool to reach children, teenagers, young people and adults. This involves involving them in actions to promote gender equality, health promotion and violence prevention.

In this way, sporting elements are incorporated into the reflection process. Learning takes playful forms and on-court activities are used to expand knowledge and propagate equitable attitudes between girls and boys, in a culture of non-violence.
Over the years, we have strengthened actions in communities in Rio de Janeiro, in addition to training professionals in other regions.

Therefore, to carry out the actions, we count on the collaboration of many organizations and we highlight the continuous support of: Kindernothilfe (KNH) and Comic Relief, occasional support from the Australian Embassy for training professionals and other partnerships that mark the life of two Projects : Practicing Sport, Winning in Life and Young People to End Violence, such as Rede de Esporte pela Change Social (REMS) and Alegria Ahoi.

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