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Booklet Promoting Respect for Diversity in Companies


In recent years, the topic of diversity has been a constant topic of discussion in the corporate world, both nationally and internationally, it has been the target of recommendations, pacts, commitments and other documents aimed at companies and governments, but there is still a long way to go to consolidate a corporate practice of respect for everyone.

With this material we address the topic and deliver strategies for confronting discriminatory practices in corporate environments, with a view to reinforcing and/or building effective guidelines and plans regarding diversity within companies, coordinating different groups to discuss gender and race/ethnicity equality.

We target this material at people who are interested in or are responsible for carrying out activities to promote respect for diversity in the workplace, from recruitment, selection and training of teams, team management, coexistence between employees, as well as as well as those responsible for relationships with external stakeholders, such as suppliers.

This booklet is a summarized version of the publication “ Promotion of Respect for Diversity in Companies: Tools Booklet ”, launched in 2016 as a product of collective work involving the non-governmental organizations Instituto Promundo, Grupo Conexão G and the companies Eletrobras Cepel, Eletrobras , Electronuclear and Furnas. Plus the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

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