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BOOKLET STRENGTHEN RESPONSIBLE AND PARTICIPATORY FATHERHOODS Based on the Early Childhood Program in the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS) / Happy Child Program (PCF).

Promundo, Secretariat For Social Development, Children And Youth (SDSCJ), Executive Secretariat For Social Assistance (SEASS) Of The State Of Pernambuco, Secretariat For Social Development, Human Rights, Youth And Drug Policy (SDSDHJPD), Executive Secretariat For Social Assistance ( SEAS) Of Recife City Hall, Development And Citizenship Center (CDC)

The protection and promotion of the integral development of children and adolescents, including in the first six (06) years of life, is part of a historical and social construction at the international level, which in Brazil has occupied an important and necessary social, political and legal with repercussions that require systemic and integrated action in the three spheres of the Federation, above all, based on the indispensable involvement and participation of the State, Society and Families. It is noted that the advent of Federal Law No. 13,257/2016, known as the Legal Framework for Early Childhood, is a fundamental turning point as it introduces the co-participation of paternities in early childhood care, defined in the age group up to six (06) years. of life. It is worth highlighting that essential steps have been taken.

In fact, it is essential to go further so that the co-responsible participation of fathers is expanded to all age groups defined in the Child and Adolescent Statute. It is important to highlight that the National Pact for Early Childhood, coordinated by the National Council of Justice, currently with almost 200 signatories, represents an important strategy for the effective implementation of the rights already provided for in the legislation, to which we seek to contribute with this proposal.

It is with great pleasure, motivation and in the spirit of co-responsibility, that the Promundo Institute and partners present the Booklet “Strengthening responsible and participatory parenthood from the Early Childhood Program in the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS) / Happy Child Program (PCF )”. It is the result of the dialogues and reflections that took place in the International Webinar Todos pela Primeira Infância, which are systematized in the report attached to this document (Annex 01).

The Booklet is structured into five parts. The first is dedicated to seeking to respond to concerns regarding Comprehensive Protection for Early Childhood: what do we know, recognize and what should we promote and guarantee? In the second, the focus is on Paternity and the Early Childhood Program at SUAS / PCF: contributions and potential.

Then, the third part is dedicated to bringing contributions regarding Paternities, Masculinities and Participatory Responsibilities. The fourth part brings a set of suggestions for support materials to strengthen responsible and participatory fatherhood in early childhood. There are tips from booklets, guides, plans, publications, films, videos, YouTube channels, Podcasts and references that will certainly support better insights into the protection and promotion of integral development in early childhood. At the end, the fifth part, presents a glossary with concepts and terms to support the reading of the material.

The partner institutions and bodies reaffirm that the main objective of the Booklet is to be a political and pedagogical instrument that contributes to enhancing the attention and care of paternities in the care of children in early childhood, notably through the work of the SUAS teams , which is a social policy that has as its premise the centrality of families, territories and brings in its genesis a wide range of possibilities for interfaces with other social policies.

Promundo Institute
Center for Development and Citizenship
National Pact for Early Childhood/
National Council of Justice
Secretariat for Social Development,
Children and Youth of Pernambuco
Secretariat for Social Development,
Human Rights, Youth and
Drug Policies of
Recife City Hall (SDSDHJPD)


Good reading!


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