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Educational Materials


Promundo Institute



Being Governor of a State means being able to fulfill some dreams that are in our hearts. One of the dreams I have always had, as a citizen, was the presence of everyone at school, learning and graduating, having lunch and drawing. Finally, carrying out activities in those classes that would motivate a child, a young person and an adult to intervene in their world.
Yes, the word intervene is very important today, as we know that there is more involvement when we feel called to show our potential. I have visited many places throughout Amapá and met students from different schools, in different locations. What draws my attention is the enormous difference in the historical, cultural, socioeconomic and geographic factors that our schools portray through the people who work there.

Amidst so much diversity, I always ask myself: how to guarantee the effective presence of everyone? It's always easier to give up. I'm afraid of that word. Then I realize that greater than fear is courage. It takes courage to fight against the adversities that surround us and, often, make us no longer want to continue. So, today, I invite you: are we going to make school the main space for protecting and developing the potential of our students? Are we going to verbalize courage and face our fears? After all, this means helping each student to dream more and achieve more, as the school of the 21st century can be like this, a space of permanence and respect, forming a more welcoming society. This is how I dream for our schools in Amapá, as a father, citizen, educator and Governor.

Governor of the State of Amapá



Thinking of school as a space is fundamental so that we can formulate quality public policies. But then, what space is the school? First and foremost, school is a space for learning, and recognizing the role of this Institution, which is so important in our lives, is fundamental, as we know that there is a place to develop our potential. After all, it is at school that people are trained who will pursue the most diverse professions and help the world to be better. But the school as a physical space is just a vision we have of it, since before it is made up of walls, bricks, rooms, it is made up of PEOPLE. Each of us makes school a space. And this space needs to be welcoming and respectful. Therefore, this Notebook aims to help us make present, within the school space, the feeling of belonging that is directly linked to the perception that the school is a protective, inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone. Every look, every gesture, every word makes the school a space of plurality. So let's do our part, so that dropout and dropout are problems outside of school in the 21st century. Let's help build in this physical space — the school — a place for all of us, together and different, mixed and happy. Each student is an important person. And everyone needs to start and finish this beautiful learning journey that is basic education!

Secretary of State for Education


Co-creation workshop
This material was prepared based on interviews with the following professionals in a co-creation workshop: Aldeni Melo de Oliveira, Clebson de Amorim Silveira, Dinamarta Vilhena Gonçalves, Edna Raimunda Moreira de Moraes Rodrigues, Fábio Lúcio da Silva Barreiros, Gutembergue Rodrigues Carvalho , Jair Nascimento Borges, Jamile Ruth Silva de Sena Barreto do Carmo, Julio César das Neves Amaral, Liane Lima Monteiro Saarbach, Márcia Cristiane da Silva Galindo, Marco Antônio Pinheiro da Silva, Maria Daurimar Gomes Moraes, Marlúcia Marques Fernandes, Marta Rosangela Costa dos Santos, Mariane dos Santos Sá, Nelma Simone Santana Rosa and Norma Dias dos Santos Barros.

Editorial coordination
Bruna Martins, Clarisse Costa Republican, Luciano Ramos, Luiza Tanuri and Priscila Pereira.

Content production
Bruna Martins, Clarisse Costa Republican, Clebson de Amorim Silveira, Elda Maria Leal Vieira, Fábio Lucio da Silva Barreiros, Judenilson Teixeira Amador, Luciano Ramos, Luiza Tanuri, Márcia Cristiane da Silva Galindo, Maria Daurimar Gomes Moraes, Mariane dos Santos Sá, Marlúcia Marques Fernandes, Priscila Pereira and Suzanne Monteiro de Oliveira.

Content review
Bruna Martins, Clarisse Costa Republican, Luciano Ramos, Luiza Tanuri and Priscila Pereira.

Text review and copy editor
Sabrina Dias

Graphic design and illustrations
REC Design

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